Isaac and Ede Antique Prints
Tempest Cries LondonTempest Cries London
Tempest Cries LondonTempest Cries London
Tempest Cries LondonTempest Cries London

Pierce Tempest after Marcellus Lauron

Cries of London

1 Old Satten, old Taffety or Velvet
2 Buy my Dutch Biskets
3 Hott Bak'd Wardens Hott
4 Ripe Strawberryes
5 Buy my Dish of great Eeles
6 Sis pence a pound Fair Cherries

6.25 x 9.75 inches

Each plate depicts a different lady, each in turn representing a distinctive "Cry of London". These women (and men) were a common sight in C17th and C18th London and their arrival in an area would be eagerly anticipated. Many sold essential household items such as candle wax and soap but others, often dressed in a more coquettish manner, would ply more exciting wares such as exotic fruits or prophylactics for the amorously inclined.

Group of 6
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